- Predicting Employees Organizational Loyalty through Perceived Organizational Justice Components
- The Mediating Role of Emotional Dissonance in the Relationship of Teacher’s Emotional Labor Strategies with Occupational Well-Being
- The Impact of Social-Cognitive Categorization of others on Implicit and Explicit Empathy
- Presenting a Model to Explain the Intention of Purchasing Pirated VCDs/DVDs
- Relationship between Mental Health and Social Capital among Students of the Medical Sciences Department at Tehran University
- Designing a Native Pattern for Improving Counselors’ Performances in Schools
- Moderating Role of Political Skills in the Relation between Negative Work–Family Spillover and Psychosomatic Complaints
- The Direct and Indirect Relationships of Emotional Intelligence with Mental Health and Academic Performance with the Mediating Role of Resiliency and Self-Efficacy in Medical Students of Ahvaz Medical Sciences University
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