دوره دوازدهم- شماره ۱

در بیست و سومین شماره دو فصلنامه نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی مقاله های زیر به چاپ رسیده است:

  • Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment based Therapy on Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Depressive Students
  • Prediction of Cyber Bullying through Components of Adversity Quotient
  • Testing a Model of Causal Relationships of Family Communication Patterns, Metacognition, and Personality Traits with Critical Thinking Disposition, Mediated by Epistemic Beliefs of Female High School Students in Ahvaz
  • The Effectiveness of Time Perspective Therapy in Reducing Depressive Symptoms
  • Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Work Life between Iranian and Indian University Employees: A Cross–Cultural Study
  • The Relationship between Attachment and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Skill
  • Designing a Causal Model in Fostering Academic Engagement; Verification of the Effect on Educational Performance
  • The Role of Perceived Social Support and Aspects of Personality in the Prediction of Marital instability: The Mediating Role of Occupational Stress
  • The Relationship between Belief in a Just World and Symptoms of Psychological Disorders in Burn Patients: The Intermediate Role of Coping Strategies
  • The Mediating Role of Time Perspective in the Relationship between General Self-Efficacy and the Tendency toward Substance Abuse in Female Adolescents

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آدرس انجمن روان‌شناسی ایران:

تهران، سیدخندان، ابتدای سهروردی شمالی، کوچه سلطانی (قرقاول)، پلاک ۳۷، طبقه سوم



تلفن:  09367740873 (ساعت پاسخگویی: شنبه تا چهاشنبه، از ساعت 9 الی 14)

فکس: 86120659

کلیه حقوق برای انجمن روانشناسی ایران محفوظ است. – 1400©

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