در بیست و یکمین شماره دو فصلنامه نشریه بین المللی روانشناسی مقاله های زیر به چاپ رسیده است:
- The Relationship of Personality Type, Social Trust and Social Desirability among the Homeless Adolescents Living in Zahedan Welfare Organization Hostels
- The Interactive Effects of Attributional Style and Experience of Failure on Children’s Subsequent Mathematical Word Problem Solving
- Study of Academic Achievement and its Predictive Psychological Factors
- Investigation of the Causal Relationship between Academic Motivation and Academic Engagement with the Mediating Role of Achievement Emotions and Academic Hardiness in Students
- The Interplay of Self-Actualization, Creativity, Emotional Intelligence, Language and Academic Achievement in Gifted High School Students
- The Effects of Moderating Variables (Family, Education, Peer Group) on the Association between Extraversion and Identity Styles
- The linkage of Intelligence, Prosocial Moral Reasoning and Moral Identity among Iranian University Students
- The Analysis of Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Early Life Events Scale based on the Item Response Theory and the Classical Theory of Measurement
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